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The Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine


What sets Chinese medicine apart from conventional medicine in the western world is its holistic approach. The human body itself is an organic whole. The component parts of the human body are inseparable. The viscera and organs of the human body are interrelated and support one another. When they function normally, a proper balance is maintained and one enjoys good health. However, when the balance is upset due to internal and/or external factors, disease occurs.

Chinese medicine maintains that Qi (vital energy or life force ), blood and body fluids are the body’s basic components. These components form the material basis of energy for the viscera and organs to perform their physiological functions, thus making it possible for the human body to be active in its activities.

Also, the viscera and organs of the human body have mutual causality in many aspects such as physiology and pathology.

Chinese medicine emphasizes the harmony of Qi and blood and the balance of Yin and Yang and pays special attention to deficiency or excess of the function of organs.

Deficiency is “less than normal” or hypofunction; excess is “more than normal” or hyperfunction. Both Qi and blood circulate through the whole body. Any congestion, deficiency or excess may cause an imbalance and lead to disease. For example, hypothyroidism is thyroid dysfunction which is a case of Yang deficiency while hyperthyroidism is thyroid hyperactive which is a case of Yin deficiency. The Yin deficiency is the result of Yang’s hyperactivity. Therefore, the root cause of Yin deficiency is Yang excess. To make it clear, Yang deficiency is hypothyroidism, Yang excess is hyperthyroidism. Usually it’s called Yin deficiency in Chinese Medicine.

Conception means the union of the sperm and the ovum. It depends on the couple’s overall health. Stress, depression, endocrine hormone, the uterus condition and the body’s primary metabolism may all impact conception. For instance, if the female’s blood is deficient, the egg may not be healthy enough to be fertilized , much less to develop into a viable embryo. If the uterus has thin lining, fibroids, cysts or low temperature, etc. then embryo is unable to be implanted. Therefore, stress, anxiety, negative emotions, malfunctioning metabolism, thyrosis or disorder of endocrine function, etc. can be the result of an imbalance in the body, which can lead to infertility or miscarriage. Pregnancy cannot be achieved unless the whole body of the couple is functioning normally.


How Chinese Medicine Treats Infertility


Chinese medicine primarily consists of acupuncture and herbal medicine. Effective and safe ways are used to harmonize the human body so as to maintain its normal function or to eliminate the root cause in the case of an illness or disease.

For acupuncture treatment disposable needles are inserted at particular points on the body. The stimulation generated by needle insertion helps with the circulation of Qi and blood, removes blockages and restores the balance of the body. It also brings into harmony the different functions of the body including the endocrine system, the autoimmune system, the emotional system, etc.

Herbs are an integral part of Chinese medicine. They are mostly made from natural plants. When prescribing an herbal formula the physician takes into account what the patient’s problem is. Is it spleen qi deficiency, or liver qi excess, or liver qi blockage, kidney deficiency? It is very important that the physician should find the major cause of the patient’s disease before the principle of treatment is determined.

How to improve chances of fertility:

  • Research shows that Chinese Medicine has positive effects on fertility. Acupuncture has been proven to improve the ovarian response and uterine receptivity.
  • The combined use of acupuncture and herbal medicine helps harmonize the secretion of hormones as a result of the stimulation of the hypothalamus and enhance the patient’s reproductive potential by normalizing the endocrine system and improving the ovarian function so that quality eggs are produced.
  • Acupuncture and herbal medicine can nourish the uterus lining, making it healthier and improve the condition of the uterus, making it receptive, so that the embryo can grow. They can also help relax the muscles of the uterus so that uterus contraction is prevented and the implanted embryo is not damaged.
  • Chinese medicine helps improve the body’s circulation and remove blockages or stagnation of qi, thus assuring that the fallopian tubes are unblocked and the abnormalities in the uterus, such as fibroids or cysts, are addressed so as to make the uterus receptive.
  • Chinese medicine helps reduce stress and anxiety which have an adverse impact on fertility.
  • Herbs are particularly important in preventing miscarriage. Its success rate is over 90%.
  • Acupuncture and herbal medicine have proven to be effective in addressing autoimmune problems with both men and women. They can help regulate the autoimmune system so that the body’s repellence to an embryo is minimized.
  • Chinese medicine offsets the side effects of drugs used in IVF. IVF has only an approximately 30% success rate. However, its success rate can be greatly increased with the help of Chinese medicine.
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Chinese Medicine
Infertility Center
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